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Welcome to the Inaugural Issue of One Flesh

This blog is for those who are of the fearless mindset. Those who want to believe in marriage as a long term commitment between man and wife. I said fearless but I really mean - even if you are afraid, you set your mind to do it anyway. Soar above the knocking knees and the societal doubts and the bloated statistics telling you that you have a 50/50 chance of surviving.

I am writing you from a position of encouragement and edification and yes, even challenge. Allow me to introduce us - this One Flesh, Team McDaniel.... at your service. Corvelli (him) and Kim (me) have been flowing, sowing, growing and glowing together for almost 30 years now. We met and married while in the military and our journey has been vibrant and fulfilling and also unscripted. I am going to use this medium to share with you some possibilities for your success - eat the meat and spit the bones out.

Of course I cannot say I have a fool proof formula - I can just share what has worked for us. One thing I know for sure - we are not special or extra talented in the area of developing a great marriage. God has always held on to the front of the puzzle box - He has always known where we are headed - how to get us there - and how to move us to higher levels of maturity. And we have trusted Him as our proverbial GPS - God's Perfect Standard. That means that we don't always have to see the end - just knowing He sees that and we see Him - we have learned that that is enough.

He has always expected big things from us and the secret is that He has constantly equipped us to succeed. Accessing the tools has always been a free will option. Sometimes we dive for them and other times we choose not to see, due to our self-donned blinders. The One Flesh concept is a call to action, to lay down your own priorities for the good of the team. The marriage union actually has a life and identity of its own and it must be nourished or else its swollen belly and distant eyes will become haunting and a devastating reflection of what might have been.

I invite you to come along with me/us to enjoy and celebrate the ride of oneness, covering and sanctification. Yes, we will discuss the holy aspects of marriae - and praise God, we will also deal with the day to day stuff that really causes us to ask God - "are you sure about this?"

I look forward to your feedback and your energy and your agreement with me, that the best is yet to come.

Until Next Time,

Happily Married

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