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Do You Want to Be Healed?

There is a story in the Bible that relates the tragedy of a paraplegic who depended upon the mercy of others to get about. When Jesus came on the scene, He did not heal him on the spot, but instead asked him forthrightly…

"Do you want to be healed?"

Some might think that question has an obvious answer - who would not want to be mobile, independent, and strong? I've pondered that question many times and the truth of the matter hit me like lightning - some people actually revel in their illness.

Like a watered down drink at a stuffy party, they nurse it, and let it roll around in their mouths and souls and imaginations. They seemingly enjoy talking about the aches and pains and medications and doctor visits. Their numbers and stats and highs and lows tell the story - the whole drama has crawled into their psyche and become a part of their personal culture.

Of course this is all on a subconscious level mind you.

So the choice to be healed may be like taking something precious from them - a piece of their now well-formed identity. To the casual observer the answer is, "Of course I want to be healed!" But the keen mind might call for a deeper inquiry, and not take the superficial automatic answer for granted. Oddly enough, there is a comfort in the known that can even outweigh the possibility of freedom.

That being said, it is fair to me to ask of you….

Do you want to be healed?

To Your Best Health,

Coach Kim

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