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Vitamins & Supplements - Are They Really Necessary?

Are you kidding me?

Does a bear go into the woods?

In addition to the logical conclusion that You Are What You Eat and the healthy food/exercise combo is a monumental start - there is even more that you can accomplish.

It's a given that when people are confused by too many choices, they usually end up paralyzed into not making a decision.

But because you are wise I know that you know that NO DECISION is actually A DECISION.

It is too easy to hide behind the mountain of media and the barrage of bottles in the pharmacy aisles. A natural choice would be to get the one touted by the actor from your favorite show or just put your head in the sand and wait until something happens and you can actually notice the deficiency. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Here are some very simple facts that you may want to consider:

1. The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) of high fats, high sugar,

and low nutrient content, will put you on your sick bed faster than

your head can spin. It may not seem like a direct connection, but

trust me, how you eat is a most KEY FACTOR in your wellness.

Garbage in... Garbage out.

2. The de-naturing of food has made it impossible to "just eat

your fruits and veggies" and hope everything will balance itself

out - the soil is neither sufficiently rich nor potent, and this

means your foods are not being naturally enriched.

3. The right supplement will successfully be able to be ABSORBED

by your body - that means that it goes in, takes care of business

(strengthening, resupplying, and assisting your body to heal itself).

4. You will have to make a financial investment - we spend money

on everything else, from cable TV to cell phones to new shoes,

cars, and unhealthy meals, but when it comes to investing into the

wellness of our bodies, we suddenly want to re-evaluate the financial outlay.

It all comes down to CHOICE - what will you do with yours?

Let's presume that you are open enough to accept my position. I have just one more piece of knowledge for you.

If you are going to put supplements into your body, would you agree that it makes sense to put the best ones into your system? How about putting your trust in a company that’s been around for 20+ years and formulates products used by top professional athletes?

I recommend AdvoCare’s line of products that meets the needs of those focused on weight management, baby boomers, performance athletes, and even those looking to improve their energy levels.

Go here and get the details - feel free to consult me to determine your best starting point. and get it in your body ASAP:

I am excited about your intentions to live Your Best Life.


Coach Kim


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