7 Energy Boosters that Work

So you are on the job and you can practically feel your energy levels draining - what do you do? There are only two considerations - are you looking at discreet boosters (sitting in the middle of a meeting) or things you can do without worrying about onlookers (closed office door). Here are some solutions for both scenarios. Discreet Measures * Take control of your breathing. Doing this a few times a day on purpose and with purpose can actually change your health. Dr Andrew Weil reminds us that “The general principles of correct breathing are to make it deeper, slower, quieter, and more regular - doing so helps you force more oxygen into your cells, which slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improves circulation, ultimately providing more energy." * Sit up straight. Poor posture puts uneven pressure on your spine, causing some muscles to work extra hard - this makes them tight and tense, causing them to use up extra energy. You can realign your spine by simply lifting your rib cage away from the top of your hips. Not only does this eliminate slouching, but it also positions your body for better flow of both oxygen and blood. * Two simple tricks. The next time you are sitting in the middle of a meeting and the speaker is droning on and on, gently run your tongue along the front half of the roof of your mouth. This tickling sensation actually causes an increase stimulation of the blood flow, which is the exact reaction you want to give you an immediate boost. The other simple solution that works if you're sitting down is to raise both feet about two inches off the floor and hold them for a count of 30. Keep your knees bent at a 90 degree angle, just raise the entire foot off the ground, gently, so that the person beside you wouldn't even take notice. Again, the adrenalin created by your blood cells moving to support this physical challenge, is just the type of increased stimulation that will help boost your energy level. Overt Measures Get in Motion. Keep a jump rope in your office and do a quick 100 reps; do 3 reps of 15 squats; find a stairwell and go up and down 5 flights; and of course there are always the faithful pushups - just fall on the floor and knock out as many as you can, take a rest, and repeat. Stretching. Just three minutes of stretching will loosen your muscles, ease joints and allow blood to flow more easily around your body. Dance. Put on your ipod earphones and dance - I mean really get into it, for a couple of songs. As a matter of fact, you can even pre-select a category of "Pick Me Up Songs" that will be ready to be enjoyed on your most draining days. And here is the best part - music you enjoy can even help you to release endorphins (feel good hormones) so you will be energized and even feel better when the music stops. Get Out. If it's possible, take a break from your desk and go outside. Getting sunlight and fresh air can help make you feel more awake and maybe even put you in a better mood. Hopefully you can see a pattern here - when a body is not in motion - going down, down, down - that tendency will keep pace and even accelerate itself, and hit rock bottom... unless something happens to it, to propel it to the next level.
Take control - don't wait for something come along to energize you - Energize Youself! Create an arsenal of healthy energy boosting tools to give yourself a variety of solutions, and then access them at will.
To Your Boundless Energy, Coach Kim