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It's Getting Hot in Here

Have you ever heard the story about the frog who died in a pan of boiling milk? Of course the milk didn’t start off boiling. It started off at a comfortable temperature and the frog sat comfortably in the pot, languishing in the sweet liquid.

As he sits there the heat is turned up, degree by degree, until the milk is actually boiling. Unfortunately the frog is not startled and fails to react. It sits in the liquid and dies because it fails to notice the incremental change in temperature.

My question to you is - are you sitting in a pot? Have you become numb to your environment? Do you notice the same repetitive patterns? Few highs and lows or interruptions? A life of predictability and mediocrity. To some that may be a comfort...

Wake up

Go to work

Come home

Watch TV

Go to bed

Rinse and Repeat

To others, it may be a living hell. A boorish, screaming, hollow existence. Henry David Thoreau calls it - "living a life of quiet desperation."


It is possible to change, to breathe life into a dead end experience.

It is never too late to start and it is always too soon to quit.

Your latter days can be greater than your former.... if you take action.

It's time to SHIFT.

Choose to Be Great and Dare to Impact the Lives of Others.

Always cheering for you ~

Coach Kim


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